LocateGB - all Surnames available to Search on the open edited register in the UK

Results for:  Maria L Da Silva   in  ENFIELD

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" Maria L Da Silva residing in the area of ENFIELD - we'll also show you other persons at the address, year registered and other info too - 24 hours access is just £3.50 with unlimited searches. This is just one record from over 400 million entries we have available to search"

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data drawn from the edited electoral roll.

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We only publish details from the consented electoral roll - the open edited register. This is the form of electoral registration where individuals consent to their details being publicly available. People not appearing in our results will have opted out of publication or failed to register their voting rights.


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Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for accounts formed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (amended 2006)

Registration in London 03702599.

See where Maria Ldasilva is recorded on the Electoral Roll and their address and postcode