ukroll a better way to search

Unlimited searches -  no need to buy credits.

30 days only 9.95£20.00 for 30 days 1 year electoral roll access £150£150 for 1 year

Free people preview search

birth year
2024 voters roll
2006 to 2022 voters roll
2005 voters roll
2004 voters roll
Company Directors
Marriage records
Birth records
Death records

Great value instant access to the edited Voters Roll, births, deaths, marriages -  400 million + records

No need to buy search credits -  our packages are all inclusive and cover unlimited searches of our record sets.

Search by name or address or both using our self key search engine

Results displayed instantly on screen -  no waiting for emails

Try a free postcode search below


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#Search login

Electoral Roll searches  
Just join LocateGB, login using the username and password on your invoice and then you can search the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 edited electoral roll files by name or name and address or just address. Numerous search options available. Remember, unlike some competitors, you control the searches and the results are viewed on screen straight away - no waiting for emails. 2008 data now loaded . Company Director 2009 & 2007 database now included - millions of extra names & addresses  + date of birth


#About us

1st Locate UK Ltd own and operate this site. We are based in Leeds and employ approaching 400 staff.

Apson House, Leeds, LS15 9JN



telephone 0844 543 9006

Registration in London 03702599.
Data protection Registration no. Z6791585

Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

Vat registration:GB 721734157


Terms and Conditions Locate GB contains the 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 and 2004 edited electoral roll, directors file + births, deaths and marriages containing some 400+ million records. Some people will/may have exercised their right to opt of publication to the edited electoral roll. Other people will have chosen not to register.


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